OUR VOICES – OUR PLANET offers workshops for youths and (young) adults. We offer in-house workshops in schools and youth organizations that we can tdesign to meet your specific interests and needs. If you are interested, send us an email and we´ll get in contact with you.
Furthermore, we offer open workshops and methodological and didactic training courses for teachers, trainers and multipliers and other interested persons.
In all workshops and trainings, the participants get insights on how democracy and sustainability are connected. They reflect on their understanding of democracy and sustainability, learn about action of people from the Global South and North and recognize possibilities for own activities. Experts from other countries can be directly involved via digital dialogue formats.
The next workshop takes place on May 6, 2024 in Hannover, Germany. It is about Educational Methods for Democracy and Sustainability and the specific Role of Women. Facilitators are Sarah Laustroer and Eiman Seifeldin. It will take place in German. Click here for more information.