OUR VOICES – OUR PLANET project has started the next round. In 2024 and 2025, various educational events will take place that deal with new perspectives for democracy and sustainability, including feminist perspectives, in global dialog and global learning.

Education activists from the Global North and Global South will why it is worth to have a look at democracy and sustainability from a feminist point of view. The BMZ’s strategy for a feminist development policy serves as a frame of reference.

The next event within this series is a summer movie night with supporting programm and will take place on September 4, 7pm CET+1 in Hanover, Germany. The film The Great Green Wall is about climate change, climate justice, flight causes and possibilities for action. It is about one of the most ambitious climate projects in the world. An 8,000-kilometer-long belt of trees is being planted across the African continent to stop the spread of the desert and provide millions of people with food, jobs and a future. Malian singer Inna Modja travels to Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and Ethiopia. She talks to the people about their fears, dreams and hopes, and where words are exhausted, she captures their encounters with music. In this way, the film unfolds the soundtrack of the “Great Green Wall” in a collective melodic collage. Click here for more information.