Educational Material
Learn2Change aims for sharing, further development and distribution of philosophies, concepts, methods and materials for transformative education work. On these pages you find educational materials developed within the network by educational activists from all of the world with perspectives unique to their region and situation and at the same time global.
The book „Learn2Change – Changing the World through Education“ gives insights into the diverse knowledge, thoughts, pedagogical practices and personal learning stories form network members from all over the world.
In the first part, the authors describe in theoretical essays their perspectives on ideas and concepts underlying their educational work. They discuss which education we need and how (global) learning can contribute to change. They advocate a decolonization of education and share their thoughts on the meaning of „good living“ and global citizenship.
In the second part of this book, the authors report on both individual and community learning experiences. The stories highlight a variety of leverage points that can encourage and empower people for own actions towards change.
In the third part, the authors present successful practice for transformative learning and education. They describe creative methods such as theatre, storytelling and poetry as well as city walks, games and a geocaching tour with the smartphone. Most of the approaches can be applied in a thematic spectrum ranging from climate change and justice to gender issues and personality development, etc…
The book is available in German and English. Paper copies can be ordered under
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This is a realm of conceptual essays contributed by members of the Learn2Change – Global Network of Educational Activists. Important terms, ideas and concepts, which serve as a basis for our educational work are discussed. Guiding questions are amongst others: What does wealth / Good Life / development mean for you in your specific work and living context / in your country? Which local challenges for an ecologically sound and globally just world are you actually facing in this context? What role does education play for achieving a Good Life for all? Most of the essays were developed for the discussion during the first Learn2Change Academy.

Raise your glass to recycling awareness!
April Lai, Hongkong
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Reflections on Good Living – Buen Vivir. From cultures of consumerism to cultures of sustainability
Claudia Gimena Roa Avendano, Colombia
Download (0,15 MB)

Education that awakens
An analysis of the brazilian society and the potential of education for a considerable Transformation
Gaia Sanvicente Traverso, Brazil
Download (0,1 MB)

A good life: not a question of financial status, but of personal fulfilment
A definition of development and education in the Ugandan context
Geofrey Nsubuga, Uganda
Download (0,1 MB)
The ‘equation’ of Pan-Africanism
An essay on history and principles of Pan-Africanism
Hamza Ghedamsi, Tunisia
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Networking for a future that is really ours
Jorge Huichalaf Díaz, Chile
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Appreciating the good life
A Malawian working class perspective
MacLee Louis Zulu, Malawi
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Theory of Change
Reflections about Good Living, Theory U and Pathway to Vision in the Central American Context
Rita Muckenhirn, Nicaragua
Download (3,2 MB)

Adivasis and Sustainable Development
Not just a Good Life – Not yet a Good Life
Ruby Hembrom, India
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The World Citizens Movement
Old Paradigms and New Narratives of Change
Timo Holthoff, Germany
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The methods published on this page were developed from Learn2Change partners and members. The collection is not exhaustive, but is considered relevant and useful for the members of the Learn2Change–Global Network of Educational Activists. These are tools to develop the necessary awareness and understanding of global contexts, to encourage and empower learners of all ages from every society to play an active role for an ecologically sound and globally just transformation

Waste management – recycling and upcycling
Author: April Lai, Hongkong
Download (0,9 MB)

The Rural-Urban Dialogue Festival: Community initiatives based on Popular Education and Intercultural Dialogue
Claudia Gimena Roa Avendano, Colombia
Download (1,5 MB)

The Tree of Dreams – A method for environmental education in schools
Gaia Sanvicente Traverso, Brasil
Download (0,1 MB)

SCREAM – Children as agents of Social change
Geofrey Nsubuga, Uganda
Download (0,6 MB)

Simulation of conflicts and negotiations
Hamza Ghedamsi, Tunisia
Download (0,15 MB)

Advancing the quality of life of Mapuche children in rural contexts: the main challenges and needs
Jorge Huichalaf Diaz, Chile
Download (0,1 MB)

Building awareness in learners on the negative consequences of bad human practices
MacLee Louis Zulu, Malawi
Download (0,1 MB)

Results based management: Pathway to vision … a sensitive journey
Rita Muckenhirn, Nicaragua
Download (2,3 MB)

Unearth – Using crossword puzzles for English lessons with sustainable contents
Ruby Hembrom, India
Download (0,4 MB)

Theatre in Education: a way of generating people’s empowerment
Sisir Ranjan Dutta, Bangladesh
Download (0,1 MB)
Here you will soon find personal stories of successful learning from members around the world.
On this page you can find a selection of (educational) videos and films produced by Learn2Change-members.
More videos can be found on the Learn2Change YouTube-Channel.
A film by Timo Holthoff
What role does the current education system play in maintaining the destructive economic and social system ruling our world? What kind of education would we need to facilitate a global transformation towards social justice and sustainability?
A film by Ruth Sanyu,Uganda and Vincent Voss, Germany
During an ASA-North-South-Project of the Learn2Change members Somero and VNB e.V., a binational team explored concepts of education and understandings of learning in Germany and Uganda. Doing this, they came up with aspects of a critical analysis of the current (formal) education systems in both countries and gathered ideas and good practices for a different kind of learning and education.
A film by Timo Holthoff
Bayo Akomolafe speaks about the single story of modernity and its implications for a monoculture of education. He argues for the recognition of diverse forms of learning beyond standardized schooling and for a plurality of educations. Akomolafe is a poet, philosopher, psychologist and a professor at the Covenant University Nigeria.