12-14 September 2022

Educational Approach

In this conference, the participants had the unique chance to discuss your ideas and questions, share your perspectives and develop ideas for sustainable and democratic living, working and action with about 50 participants from all over the world. Participants came from democracy and sustainability movements, educational initiatives, schools, youth organisations etc. from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Throughout the conference we tried to live the values we stand for. Our educational approach was

  • participatory and interactive, interweaving different perspectives and appreciating the participants as the main resource of the conference,
  • multi-sensual and holistic – inviting the head, the heart, the body and the lands with transformative learning methodology,
  • aiming to build multilayered relations.

We offered an open format with keynotes, discussion and reflection rounds, workshops, open spaces etc. that allowed for growth as a group and building a common compass, while leaving open room for participants to fill and different paths of exploration and learning for different participants.


The documentation of the conference can be downloaded here.