OUR VOICES – OUR PLANET offers an interactive presentation into the connection between sustainability and democracy. The user can go through the presentation at his*her own speed and approach the topic according to his*her own level of knowledge.

The presentation contains texts, videos, small quizzes, multiple-choice questions and individual reflection tasks. In this way, the user can become familiar with the basics of the topic in a low-threshold way. The thematic introduction is only available in German language.

Democracy and sustainability: an introduction to the thematic context

The presentation is divided into 3 parts: Sustainability, democracy, relationship between democracy and sustainability. In the bar at the bottom you can navigate back and forth as you like and with the deepening buttons you can deepen a topic by yourself. At the bottom right you can click the icon to start the presentation in full screen mode. Everything you enter in the presentation will be saved on your computer and will not be visible to others.

The presentation is available only in German.